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Remote Controls for Seniors & Hotel Remote Controls



Remote controls for seniors and hotel remote controls for the hospitality industry

New remote controls are becoming more and more comprehensive and offer more functions than before. However, this is not only an advantage, because these extensive functions make the remote control unnecessarily complicated and confusing.


Seniors and hotel guests in particular benefit from clear and simplified remote controls. This is why the Italian manufacturer SUPERIOR Electronics has developed its simplified remote controls.
With their simple designs, the remote controls fulfill their purpose without becoming too complicated.

Another advantage of SUPERIOR remote controls is their quick and easy programming. This takes only a few minutes and does not require any programming knowledge.


Our brands

SUPERIOR Electronics

SUPERIOR Electronics is the expert when it comes to high quality remote controls of any kind. Based in Rome, Italy, Superior Electronics was founded in Rome in 2011 and has seen tremendous growth since then. SUPERIOR is a young company, but it has an extraordinary level of experience and professionalism. Therefore, SUPERIOR's team consists of a perfect mix of long years of experience in consumer electronics, knowledge and young freshness. SUPERIOR's remote controls are produced in Asia, while the design, technology and development take place in Italy. In order to maintain its leadership position and promote innovation, SUPERIOR Electronics invests every year a significant part of its resources in research and development.